31 July 2011

Benign cephalic histiocytosis

Age: 14 months
Gender: Male
Site: Face (Cheeks)
Duration: 6 months
History: Multiple, slightly raised, red-yellowish papules, few millimeters in diameter involving the cheeks and neck. The mucosae and the viscera were not involved. Skin biopsy showed diffuse dermal infiltration of non-lipidized histiocytic cells.   

Bowenoid papulosis

Age: 28 year
Gender: Male
Site: Penis
Duration: 10 months
History: Multiple, asymptomatic, seborrhoeic keratosis-like brownish papules with some black dots involved the penile shaft. One lesion was taken as a biopsy and showed Bowen's disease-like (Ca in situ) histologic picture.

27 July 2011

Adenoma sebaceum

Age: 23 year
Gender: Female
Site: Cheek & Nose
Duration: Since early childhood
Morphology: Asymptomatic, skin-coloured to brownish, firm papules without other manifestations of tuberous sclerosis. The lesions on the left cheek had been treated with dermabrasion with bad cosmetic outcome (atrophic scar).

13 July 2011

Multiple BCCs

Age: 78 year
Gender: Female
Site: Face
Duration: 3 years
History: Multiple crusted ulcers with easily bleeding tendency involved  different areas in the face.

04 July 2011

Recurrent BCC within skin graft

Age: 53 years
Gender: Male
Site: Cheek
Duration: 1 year
History: An ulcerative BCC had been surgically removed with skin grafting two years before. One year later, two translucent nodules with some pigmentation have developed within the graft. Biopsy showed nodular BCC.
*Submitted by: Dr. Khalil Al-Hamdi 

01 July 2011

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Age: 57 year
Gender: Female
Site: Forehead
Duration: 2 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, superficial, irregularly-shaped patch with thready pigmented border.