07 November 2011

Nodular BCC

Age: 73 year
Gender: Male
Site: Scalp
Duration: 2 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, solitary, dome-shaped nodule (1.5 cm diameter) covered with thick crust and has a rolled up border. Excisional biopsy showed nodular BCC.

06 November 2011

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Age: 80 year
Gender: Male
Site: Face (Temporal region)
Duration: 3 years
Morphology: A slowly growing oval ulcer covered with bloody-purulent crust and has rolled up border with easily bleeding tendency.

28 October 2011

Nodular BCC

Age: 65 year
Gender: Male
Site: Scalp
Duration: 3 years
History: An asymptomatic, solitary, oval red nodule with an easily bleeding tendency. It has been removed surgically with 0.5 cm safe margin and primarily sutured.

25 October 2011

Secondary cutaneous plasmacytoma

Age: 34 year
Gender: Male
Site: Abdomen
Duration: 3-4 months
History: An asymptomatic, solitary, mushroom-like, slightly crusted red nodule. The patient had no other complaint. Excisional biopsy revealed secondary cutaneous plasmacytoma. Further assessment by an oncologist disclosed an asymptomatic hidden multiple myeloma.

Nodular BCC

Age: 74 year
Gender: Female
Site: Scalp
Duration: 3 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, red nodule (1.5X1.5 cm) with peripheral pigmentation and central ulceration with easy bleeding tendency. The second photo shown was after surgical excision of the tumor.

01 September 2011

Secondary metastasis (Ca breast)

Age: 59 years
Gender: Female
Site: Anterior trunk
Duration: 1 year
History: Two years after mastectomy for Ca breast, this woman presented with asymptomatic, red, hard plaques and nodules involved most of the anterior trunk of one year duration (post-mastectomy). Skin biopsy disclosed secondary metastasis due to Ca breast. Axillary lymph nodes were positive and both lungs and liver were also involved by secondary metastasis.

17 August 2011

SCC complicating venereal wart

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male
Site: Penile shaft
Duration: Wart (3 years) - SCC (6-8 months)
History: Genital wart involved the penile shaft and suprapubic region. Some wart lesions had been treated with electrocautery two years ago. At last 6-8 months an eroded red nodule developed on top of wart lesions. Excisional biopsy with a suitable safe margin showed SCC invading the dermis.
For more histologic details visist: www.globalskinatlas.com

03 August 2011


Age: 63 year
Gender: Male
Site: Lower lip
Duration: 8-10 months
Morphology: An asymptomatic, crusted, keratotic nodule about 1 cm diameter on the lateral side of the lower lip. Excisional biopsy showed SCC. 

01 August 2011

Pigmented BCC

Age: 50 year
Gender: Female
Site: Lower eyelid
Duration: 18 months
Morphology: An asymptomatic, pigmented, oval nodule with rolled up border. Excisional biopsy showed pigmented BCC.

Destructive BCC

Age: 83 year
Gender: Female
Site: Nose
Duration: 5 years
Morphology: An irregular destructive ulcer with rolled up border and crusted base. The tip and part of the dorsal surface of the nose had been destroyed. There was no lymph node enlargement or distant metastasis.

31 July 2011

Benign cephalic histiocytosis

Age: 14 months
Gender: Male
Site: Face (Cheeks)
Duration: 6 months
History: Multiple, slightly raised, red-yellowish papules, few millimeters in diameter involving the cheeks and neck. The mucosae and the viscera were not involved. Skin biopsy showed diffuse dermal infiltration of non-lipidized histiocytic cells.   

Bowenoid papulosis

Age: 28 year
Gender: Male
Site: Penis
Duration: 10 months
History: Multiple, asymptomatic, seborrhoeic keratosis-like brownish papules with some black dots involved the penile shaft. One lesion was taken as a biopsy and showed Bowen's disease-like (Ca in situ) histologic picture.

27 July 2011

Adenoma sebaceum

Age: 23 year
Gender: Female
Site: Cheek & Nose
Duration: Since early childhood
Morphology: Asymptomatic, skin-coloured to brownish, firm papules without other manifestations of tuberous sclerosis. The lesions on the left cheek had been treated with dermabrasion with bad cosmetic outcome (atrophic scar).

13 July 2011

Multiple BCCs

Age: 78 year
Gender: Female
Site: Face
Duration: 3 years
History: Multiple crusted ulcers with easily bleeding tendency involved  different areas in the face.

04 July 2011

Recurrent BCC within skin graft

Age: 53 years
Gender: Male
Site: Cheek
Duration: 1 year
History: An ulcerative BCC had been surgically removed with skin grafting two years before. One year later, two translucent nodules with some pigmentation have developed within the graft. Biopsy showed nodular BCC.
*Submitted by: Dr. Khalil Al-Hamdi 

01 July 2011

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Age: 57 year
Gender: Female
Site: Forehead
Duration: 2 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, superficial, irregularly-shaped patch with thready pigmented border.

30 June 2011

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 66 year
Gender: Female
Site: Leg
Duration: One year
Morphology: Asymptomatic, multiple, hard, dark blue-purplish nodules. No L.N or distant metastasis.

Ulcerative-Pigmented BCC

Age: 80 years

Gender: Male
Site: Nose
Duration: 18 months
Morphology: Rounded ulcer (1.5 cm in diameter) with rolled up pigmented border and crusted centre with an easily bleeding tendency. No lymph node involvement.
* Submitted by: Dr. Khalil Al-Hamdi

Nodular BCC

Age: 82 years
Gender: Female
Site: Upper lip
Duration: 2 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, dome-shaped, slightly crusted, red nodule with rolled up border. Excisional biopsy showed nodular BCC.

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 56 year
Gender: Male
Site: Limbs
Duration: 9 months
Morphology: Asymptomatic, irregularly-shaped, firm, scaly, purplish plaques and nodules. No lymph node or distant metastasis. HIV antibody was non reactive.

29 June 2011

Acral lentiginous melanoma

Age: 24 year
Gender: Female
Site: Big toe
Duration: > 1 year
Morphology: An asymptomatic, irregular hyperpigmented patch about 2.5 x 2 cm with central crust. No lymph node involvement or distant metastasis.

KS in a patient with CRF

Age: 68 years
Gender: Male
Site: Leg & Foot
Duration: > one year
History: A crippled, wheelchair-bound man with chronic renal failure of more than five years duration. He had many, asymptomatic, hard, purplish nodules and plaques. No lymph node or organ involvement.

Superficial BCC

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female
Site: Face (Upper mandibular area)
Duration: 2 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, rounded, red plaque with an irregular thready pigmented border. The lesion was slightly pigmented.

17 June 2011

Intra-oral Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 60 year
Gender: Male
Site: Tongue (Ventral surface)
Duration: 8 months
Morphology: Asymptomatic, multiple purple-bluish nodules. No other body sites were affected. HIV-Ab was negative.

11 June 2011

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 60 year
Gender: Male
Site: Hands & Feet
Duration: < one year
Morphology: Asymptomatic, firm purplish plaques and nodules. No lymph node enlargement or distant metastasis.

07 June 2011

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 67 year
Gender: Male
Site: Face & Hands
Duration: 9 months
History: Asymptomatic, purplish, infiltrative, firm nodules and plaques confined to the face and hands. No lymph node enlargement or distant metastasis. HIV antibody was non-reactive.

02 June 2011

XP with nodular BCC

Age: 8 years
Gender: Female
Site: Cheek
Duration: One year
History: A girl with diffuse freckling due to XP had a rounded, dome-shaped nodule about 1.5 cm diameter with central crustation. Excisional biopsy revealed BCC.

01 June 2011

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 73 years
Gender: Female
Sites: Face/ Mouth/ Chest/ Hands & Feet
Duration: One year
History: Asymptomatic, multiple, purplish, widely distributed hard nodules and plaques. No lymph node involvement or distant metastasis.

31 May 2011

Nodular BCC

Age: 85 years
Gender: Male
Site: Scalp
Duration: 3 years
Morphology: An oval red nodule about 5 x 3 centimeters having a rolled up pigmented border and and easily bleeding surface. No regional or distant lymph node enlargement.

30 May 2011

Nodular- Pigmented BCC

Age: 74 years
Gender: Female
Site: Scalp
Duration: > 3 years
History: An irregular oval plaque about 8 x 5 centimeters with pigmented periphery and nodular center. The central red nodule had propensity for easily bleeding on touch. Incisional biopsy confirmed BCC.

29 May 2011

KA in a child with XP

Age: 10 years
Gender: Male
Site: Lower lip
Duration: 10 months
History: A known case of xeroderma pigmentosum with positive family history of similar condition and early onset skin tumors. He presented with an asymptomatic, dome-shaped nodule with a central keratinous plug. Excisional biopsy showed KA.

25 May 2011

Secondary metastasis (Ca testis)

Age: 20 year
Gender: Male
Site: Trunk
Duration: 5 months
History: Hard testicular mass diagnosed through biopsy as testicular carcinoma. Six months later, many asymptomatic, infiltrative nodules and plaques simulating B-cell lymphomatous lesions deveoped on the trunk. Skin biopsy disclosed their metastatic nature. 

Kaposi sarcoma

Age: 74 years
Gender: Male
Site: Hands & Feet
Duration: > One year
History: Many asymptomatic violaceous firm-hard nodules and plaques confined to the acral parts of the limbs. No lymph node or distant metastasis.

19 May 2011

Noduloulcerative BCC

Age: 66 year
Gender: Female
Site: Side of the nose
Duration: 18 months
Morphology: A noduloulcerative lesion with rolled up edge and easily bleeding tendency.

14 May 2011

SCC complicating LP

Age: 75 year
Gender: Male
Site: Lower lip
Duration: 5 months
History: More than one year history of lichen planus involved the lip. At last 5 months a superficial ulcer with a slightly elevated border developed atop LP. Biopsy showed SCC.

11 May 2011

Secondary metastasis (Ca pancreas)

Age: 40 year
Gender: Male
Site: Trunk & Scalp
Duration: 5 months
History: Multiple, asymptomatic, infiltrative plaques and nodules variable in shapes and sizes. Skin biopsy revealed poorly differentiated metastatic cells infiltrating the skin. MRI of abdomen disclosed carcinoma of the tail of pancreas.

Multiple BCCs in Gorlin's syndrome

Age: 42 year
Gender: Male
Site: Face / Trunk / Limbs
Duration: Since adolescence
History: Multiple BCCs (nodular / superficial / pigmented / ulcerative) since age of 15 years. They increased in number and size with time. He laso had palmar pits.

Superficial BCC

Age: 42 year
Gender: Male
Site: Leg
Duration: 5 years
Morphology: An asymptomatic, large, red scaly plaque with an irregular well-circumscribed outline with thready border. Incisional biopsy showed superficial BCC. 

10 May 2011

KA on the lip

Age: 37
Gender: Male
Site: Lower lip
Duration: 3 months
Morphology: An asymptomatic, rounded, dome-shaped nodule with central keratinous plug.